Department of Business Administration
Southern University Bangladesh
BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)
The Department of Business Administration at the Southern University Bangladesh brings together various business disciplines to nurture a diverse and supportive learning community. We conduct rigorous and innovative interdisciplinary research that improves theory and practice in contemporary business. We offer an educational environment that encourages life-long learning for our students, faculty, staff, and business partners. We combine the faculty of Business's strengths with those of engineering, agriculture, health and social sciences to utilize our University’s distinctive intellectual excellence and develop a new spectrum of solutions for contemporary management problems.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is four years degree providing quality business education at undergraduate levels. Course work features practices, as well enable students to work effectively in business environment. The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree requires 126 semester hours including of 36 semester credit hours of college-level general education.Foundation: for selective students
GE 1002 Career Planning & Development
EN 1002 English Reading
CS 1000 Introduction to Computer
MA 1010 General Math
AC 1003 Fundamentals of Accounting
A. General Education (36 Semester Credits)
BS 1010 Bangladesh Studies
IR 1010 International Relations
SO 1010 Introduction to Sociology
EN 1010 English Composition
EN 1210 Spoken English
HU 1010 Basics of Humanities
ES 1010 Environmental Science
CS 1000 Computer Fundamentals & Application
CS 2200 Health Science Management
MA 1020 Introduction to Statistics
MA 2060 Business Math
MA 2010 Business Calculus
B. Core Education (72 Semester Credits)
MG 2010 Introduction to Business
AC 1010 Accounting I
AC 2010 Accounting II
EC 2010 Macro Economics
EC 2020 Micro Economics
MA 2030 Inferential Statistics
MK 2050 Introduction to Marketing
MG 2060 Principles of Management
MG 3110 Business Law
MG 3210 Company and Industrial Law
FA 3220 Fundamental of Taxation
AC 3230 Theory & Practice of Auditing
MG 4080 Business Communication
QM 4100 Quantitative Methods
MG 4110 Entrepreneurship Development
FA 4160 Financial Management
MG 4180 Production Management
MG 4130 Export & Import Management
MG 4280 Organizational Behavior
MG 4300 Business Ethics & Morality
MG 4420 Business Policy and Strategy
FA 4480 Money and Banking
MG 4510 Introduction to Business Research
C. Electives (12 Semester Credits)
Marketing (12 Credits)
MK 4510 Agricultural & Industrial Marketing
MK 4600 Advertising & Promotion Management
MK 4650 Sales & Distribution Management
MK 4260 Introduction to Marketing Research
Finance (12 Credits)
FA 4550 Small Business Finance
FA 4600 Portfolio Management
FA 4650 Insurance & Risk Management
FA 4320 Financial Reporting
Accounting(12 Credits)
AC 4510 Corporate Accounting
AC 4600 Cost Accounting
AC 4710 Macro Accounting
AC 4510 Government Accounting
Management (12 Credits)
MG 4550 Total Quality Management
MG 4560 Management Control System
MG 4570 Supply Chain Management
MG 4580 Comparative Management
Management Information System (12 Credits)
Pre-request may required
CS-3270 Management Information Systems
CS 2060 Database Fundamentals
EC 4170 Data Communication (CS 3130 required)
IT 4190 Web Site Development
D. Internship / Project
4980 Report & Presentation (6 Semester Credits)
Optional: MS 1010 Military Science
Executive Master Of Business Administration (EMBA)
Core & Elective Courses: 39 semester credit hours
All Courses are three (3) Credit hour, unless it is mentioned.
Executive MBA is designed to train and develop professionals. This One-year program emphasizes business strategies and techniques in the global environment with flexibility and convenience in mind, allowing the student to choose among different concentrations. Self-motivated persons are encouraged to apply in Executive program. The Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) program is a 3 semesters, 39 credit hour program for professionals who have earned a four (4) year bachelor degree from a recognized college or university and has substantial work experience; Students may choose a concentration area upon completion of the required core courses. The student will also complete a capstone project with seminar for this degree program.
The Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) program is a 3 semesters, 39 credit hour program for professionals who have earned a four (4) year bachelor degree from a recognized college or university and has substantial work experience; Students may choose a concentration area upon completion of the required core courses. The student will also complete either a thesis or a capstone project for this degree program.
A. Foundation
FA-6030, Accounting for Executives
B. Core Courses (30 cr/hrs.)
MG 5010 Management Information Systems
MG 6010 Human Resource Management
MG 6040 Project Management
FA 6040 Financial Management
MG 6040 International Management
MK 6220 Marketing Management
MG 6030 Managerial Accounting
QM 6000 Quantitative Methods for Executives
MG 6090 Research Methodology?
MG 6020 Business Policy and Strategy
C. Electives (6 Cr.Hr)
Marketing (6 Cr.Hr)
MK-6050, International Marketing
MK-6060, Brand Marketing
IT 4040 E-Commerce
MK 6050 Consumer Behavior
Accounting & Finance (6 Cr.Hr)
FA-6050, Multinational Corporate Finance
FA-6060, Investment & Credit Management
AC-6080, Accounting Information System
FA 6070 Financial Analysis & Reporting
MIS (Pre-requisite Required) (6 Cr.Hr)
CS 3250 System Design & Development
CS 3140, Computer Network
CSC-2240, Database Management
HRM (6 Cr.Hr)
MG-6050, Organization Development and change
MG-6060, Leadership Behavior & Motivation
MG 6070 Industrial Relations
MG 6040 Management Development
International Business (6 Cr.Hr)
MG-6050 International Business
FA 6040 International Finance
MK-6050 International Marketing
IT 4040 E-Commerce
D. 6980 MBA Thesis & Presentation (6 Cr.Hr)
Program: Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
The MBA program is designed to meet the growing needs of mid-career managers. This program provides for areas of concentration. Students are to gain an understanding of the essential managerial skills and then to focus on a particular area of concentration. This innovative concept in graduate level education allows the student to develop both a comprehensive background in basic management skills, at the same time to select course work that is aimed towards a particular career path.
Core & Elective Courses of 60 semester credit hours for non-business graduates.
Core & Elective Courses of 36 semester credit hours for business graduates.
Core & Elective Courses 60 semester credit hours MBA/ consisting of courses Core courses and choice of specialized areas for non-business graduates. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is a 3 semester, 36 credit hour programs for those students who have earned a four (4) year bachelor degree from a recognized college or university; Students may choose a concentration area upon completion of the required core courses. The student will be required complete a capstone project with seminar for the MBA program.
All Courses are three (3) Credit hours unless it is mentioned.
Core & Elective Courses 60 semester credit hours for non-business graduates
A. Core Courses (45 Cr.Hr)
FA-5010 Accounting For Executives
MA 2060 Business Mathematics
MG 5100 Business Statistics
MG 5010 Management Information Systems
MG 5020 Business Communication
MG 6010 Human Resource Management
MK-6220 Marketing Management
QM-6000 Quantitative Methods for Executive
AC 6030 Managerial Accounting
MG 6040 International Management
MG 6050 Project Management
MG-6090 Research Methodology
MG 6020 Business Policy & Strategy
B. Elective Courses
MK-6060 Brand Marketing
MK-6050 International Marketing
MK 6050 Consumer Behavior
MK-6080? Services Marketing
Accounting and Finance (9 Cr.Hr)
FA-6050 Multinational Corporate Finance
FA-6060 Investment & Credit Management
FA-6070Cost Accounting
AC-6080 Accounting Information System
Human Resource Management(9 Cr.Hr)
MG-6050, Organization Development & change
MG-6060, Leadership Behavior & Motivation
MG 6070 Industrial Relations
MG 60 Company, labor & Industrial law
International Business (9 Cr.Hr)
MG 6050 International Business
FA 6040 International Finace
MK-6050 International Marketing
IT 6040 E-Commerce
MIS(9 Cr.Hr)
CS 3250 System Design & Development
CS 3140, Computer Network
CSC-2240, Database Management
IT 4040 E-Commerce
Bank Management (9 Cr.Hr)
BK 6010 Banking Operations Management
FA 6060 Investment & Credit Management
MK 4700 Managing Customer Services
BK 6060 Islamic Banking system
C. 6980 MBA Thesis/Capstone Project (6 Cr.Hr)
Program: Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
All Courses are three (3) Credit hours unless it is mentioned.
Core & Elective Courses 36 semester credit hours for business graduates
FA 6040 Financial (International) Management
MG 6010 Human Resource Management
MK 6220 Marketing Management
MG 6030 Managerial Accounting
MG 6110 Project Management
EC 6050 Managerial Economics
Elective Courses(12 cr/hrs.)
MK 6060 Brand Marketing
MK 6050 International Marketing
MK 6080 Services Marketing
Accounting and Finance
FA 6050 Multinational Corporate Finance
FA 6060 Investment & Credit Management
FA 6070 Cost Accounting
AC 6080 Accounting Information System
Human Resource Management
MG 6050 Organization Development
MG 6060 Leadership Behavior & Motivation
MG 6070 Industrial Relations
MG 6040 Management Development
International Business
MG 6050 International Business
FA 6040 International Finance
MK 6050 International Marketing
IT 6040 E-Commerce
CS 3250 System Design & Development
CS 3140 Computer Network
CSC-2240 Database Management
IT 4040 E-Commerce
Bank Management
ations Management
FA 6060 Investment & Credit Management
MK 4700 Managing Customer Services
BK 6060 Islamic Banking system
BK 6020 Development Banking Institutions
MBA Dissertation/Capstone Project (6 Cr.Hr)