Credit Transfer
Acceptance of Transfer Credit
Each degree program has a minimum academic content specified in semester credit hours. Course credits with a grade of 'C' or better earned at other recognized colleges or universities may be transferred into University degree programs subject to acceptance by the admissions office. Quarter-hour credits from other institutions are converted into semester-hour equivalent credits as follows: 1 semester credit equals 1.5-quarter credits. A minimum of 45 semester hours (of which at least 30 hours must be upper division courses) must be successfully completed from University to earn a Bachelor degree. Not more than twelve (12) semester-hours can be transferred from other institution to earn a Masters degree.
Transfer for Degree
Transfer students seeking admission to University must have a minimu5 2.0 grade point average from recognized institution of higher education and must have been in good standing from the institution last attended. In addition, applicants must fulfill and submit the admission requirements of University. All transcripts become the property of Southern University and are not returnable. Transferred students who were denied before admission may re-apply after taking additional courses that raise their overall GPA to above a 2.5.
Credit Evaluations
Official evaluation of transferred credit is made as quickly as possible after you are admitted to a program. The Admissions Office will help you with an unofficial transcript review at your request. If a course taken at another institution is not offered at SOUTHERN, elective credit may be granted for that course. Elective credits may be applied toward degree requirements but may not be used to satisfy any specific course requirement. Grades less than C- will not transfer. The Registrar??s Office completes transferred credit evaluations. The application for course exemption and credit transfer by a newly enrolled student in to a program may be submitted to the head of concern department and decision of the dean will be final.